We are a community church sharing the love and light of Jesus. Our membership spans all generations from babies to the elderly. Our many activities means that we have something to offer everyone in all stages of life. The Church is also a member of the Family Friendly Churches Trust. Our Mission Action Plan is available here.
Our main Service takes place each Sunday morning at 10:30am. It includes lively worship music in a mixture of modern and traditional styles, prayers, Bible readings and teaching. During the service age-specific groups for children are also run. See here for more information.
We also offer a wide range of activities for children and adults throughout the week. For more information see our What's On area of the site. We would love to welcome you at any of our activities. Either just come along and you will be shown a warm welcome, or if you feel more comfortable then get in touch via the Contact Us page and we can put you in touch with someone before you come along in person.
The Church at Bents Green became a Sheffield Family Hub Representive in 2024. More information about this can be found on our Family Hub page here.
See our 'Where we are' page for information on how to find us and see our 'The team' page for more information on who runs our church. Our Eco-church page here gives information on how we are caring for God's creation.
Our main form of communication is via the church notices which are sent out by email each week. If you would like to receive these please get in touch via the Contact Us page.
You can also ‘like’ @BentsGreenChurch on facebook for information on special events and other updates.
Our church magazine is called ‘Hilltop’ and we are hoping to resume production of this in a few months’ time. Previous editions of Hilltop can be found here.
Prayer and healing
During each Sunday morning service we pray together for those who are known to us who are in need of prayer or healing. After the service our prayer co-ordinator arranges prayer one-to-one or in a small-group for anyone who would like it.
We also have a ‘prayer chain’ where prayer requests are sent to a group by email, Whatsapp or telephone for them to pray. Prayer requests can be sent through this website here.
We have a regular prayer meeting on the first Saturday of each month from 10am until 11am in the music room.