The Church at Bents Green

Report & accounts

Our Trustee Report and Accounts are freely available to download from the Charity Commission website. As part of this, we are required to summarise the achievements of the Church at Bents Green each year. The Trustee Report and Accounts for the year ending 31 August 2024 included this wording for the achievements section:

The main activities and achievements during the year may be summarised as follows.

1.Maintained a weekly programme of 3 services of public worship, with two Sunday services and one mid-week.  Additional services included a Christingle and Messy Church was held quarterly. 

2.Kept the worship area in good order.  Offered prayer on some Saturday mornings.  People have made use of the worship area for their own individual prayer and contemplation.

3.In addition to sermons and teaching in 1 above, a wide range of activities for children and young people has been provided, including Junior Church, two Carer and Toddler groups (under 5s), an after-school group (5-11 yrs), a youth group (11-18 yrs), and Girls’ Brigade; and, for adults, house groups and ‘tea & toast’ have met.  

4.A pastoral care team has operated and baptisms, marriages and funerals have taken place.  The church has hosted a fortnightly Dementia Café and provided a weekly Games and Crafts group (a warm welcoming space, reducing social isolation).

5.A women’s group (Caya) has met occasionally and a Christian band (Outcry) offered worship and teaching each month.  The annual pantomime drew in additional children and young people.  A community Fun Day took place in June.      

6.Community groups, including Scottish country dancers, Rhythm Time for babies and toddlers, Keep-fit, WI, Friends of Porter Valley, Clog dancers and Tai Chi, have met on our premises and various children’s parties have taken place.  There is a regular link with WORK, a local charity providing occupations for young people with learning difficulties, and our Youth Worker has worked in four local schools.

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