Below are details of the regular activities and groups for adults.
Tea, Toast & Time 4 Thinking - Thursdays 10.30am
This is a time to reflect on what following Jesus is all about and a place for all those seeking answers. Each session starts with tea, toast and chat. We then look at a Bible study or video followed by a time for discussion. Carers of young children are especially welcome (and so are the under-5s!). The atmosphere is relaxed and we put toys out to keep any little ones entertained after they’ve finished their toast. We usually meet in the upstairs lounge. For more information please contact Sue on 0114 2307556.
Games, craft and chatter - Wednesdays 12.30pm to 3pm
A chance to meet up and enjoy indoor bowling, scrabble, chess, dominoes, jigsaws and cards, knitting and crafts. The group is very friendly and welcoming. Feel free to come along to see if you like it or contact Ruth on 0114 2686507 for more information. The group usually meets every Wednesday including in school holidays.
Several of the members of this group were involved in knitting the Angels that were given out to the community in December 2020. There were lots of excited children that morning when they found the lovely knitted angels hung on bushes and railings that they could take home and put up on their Christmas trees.
Men’s group – Every few months
This is a small group of men who meet every few months for discussions and to provide support and encouragement to each other. Men of any age are welcome to join. For more information please get in touch via the Contact us page.
Harbour coffee – Wednesdays in term time 3.45pm until 5.15pm
A small group meets in the music room for tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat. Anyone is welcome to drop in, including parents of children in our after-school club.
Coffee morning - Saturdays 10.30am until noon
We meet in the church for hot drinks and a chat. Everyone is welcome.
Prayer meeting - 1st Saturday of the month 10am until 11am
We meet in the music room to pray.
Talking about loss - 3rd Saturday morning of each month 10.30am until noon
There are many forms of loss. Bereavement is one of the hardest we all face. But loss includes divorce, miscarriage, even retirement, with a loss of income, a daily social group and perhaps identity. There is also the loss of health, of independence in aging, and the slow process of losing a loved one to dementia.
Many of us put our heads down and face loss alone. But it can help to talk about it. If you have experienced loss, even years ago, or are going through it now, and would like to talk quietly with someone, come to Bents Green Church between 10.30am and 12pm on the third Saturday morning of each month. There will be no agenda, no pressure. You would be free to say as much or as little as you want. Tables will be set aside so that conversations can be kept private.
Porter Valley Dementia Café - First and third Thursdays of the month 2pm until 4pm
This is a non-religious group that is run by Age UK but we have included details of it here because it takes place in our Church and several of our church members attend or are involved as volunteers. It is for people with dementia who live in their own homes, and for their families and carers. It offers a social afternoon with snacks and refreshments, a range of activities and relevant speakers and guests.
Come as you are
See details on our special events page.